
The Beginning of the Universe (Who are the Yazidis)


Category:  History & Sociology

Via:  the-irascible-harry-krishner  •  10 years ago  •  11 comments

The Beginning of the Universe (Who are the Yazidis)

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Unusually good article abut a group that is little known in the west:


LALISH, IRAQ In Northern Iraq there is a place called Lalish where the Yezidis say the universe was born. I drove south from Dohok on snowy roads through an empty land, seemingly to the ends of the earth, and found it nestled among cold hills.

I went there because the President of Dohok University told me to go. I am a Muslim, he said. But I love the Yezidis. Theirs is the original religion of the Kurds. Only through the Yezidis can I speak to God in my own language.

Yezidis are ancient fire-worshippers. They heavily influenced Zoroastrianism, and in turn have been heavily influenced by Sufi Islam. The temple at Lalish is their Mecca. Hundreds of thousands of remaining Yezidis those Kurds who refused to submit to Islam make pilgrimages there at least once in their lifetimes from all over the Middle East and Europe.

They worship Satan, my Kurdish-speaking driver said to me through my translator Birzo before we got out of the car. It sounded like ignorant bullshit to me, and not only because Saddam Hussein also said so. I would have to ask the Yezidis about that.


Related: I also seeded an unusually excellent article about the "regular" Kurds a while back-- an incredible item. But I can't find that seed-- so here's a link to the original. (Their history is truly amazing!)


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    10 years ago

Are you friends with Satan? I said. Some Muslims have told me Yezidis are friends with Satan. I didnt tell him that my driver, who was standing right next to me, had said this only a half-hour ago.

We are not friends with Satan. This is a common point of confusion. They mean Malek Taus. He is the King of the Angels, and the Yezidis follow his way.

Malek Taus is some kind of celestial peacock. He supposedly said no to God, who did little more than create the universe from a pearl, when God asked all the angels to pray to Adam. Adam, he said (as in Adam and Eve) was a prophet of God. But Malek Taus later repented and has been in Gods good graces since.

Whats important about Malek Taus is that he (it?) was given the choice to follow good or evil, just as human beings are given that choice. Malek Taus chose the good path even though he did not have to. He sets the right example, then, for humans to follow.

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    10 years ago

I asked Birzo if he found Baba Sheiks comments about Islam and Muslims offensive.

Of course not, he said. I understand his mentality and he understands mine. Its okay. We are Kurds. Kurds dont get upset about religion. We arent like Arabs. We believe in arguments based on reason, not emotion. If people dont agree with me about something, Im not going to get mad at them. We will just have different opinions.

I like the Yezidis, I said.

I do, too, he said. They are peaceful people, but they resisted Islam for so many centuries. You have to admire them. I didnt expect a Muslim to say that. Perhaps my expectations werent fair.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Interesting article.

Good post.

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    10 years ago

They are fleeing ISIS barbarians who are trying to massacre them. About 40,000 of them have fled to a mountaintop. If they come down ISIS will massacre them. They have no food or water.

American aircraft have just began a humanitarian airdrop-- food and water to them on top of mountain.

Update 9:30 PM- President Obama is now speaking, live, on this.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
link   Perrie Halpern R.A.    10 years ago

Preservation of this ancient people should be one of our more honorable missions, both food and cover. It's time to put a stop to ISIS terror, even if from the sky.

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A.   5 years ago
reservation of this ancient people should be one of our more honorable missions, both food and cover. It's time to put a stop to ISIS terror, even if from the sky.

We've finally had a great deal of success in that regard-- thanks in large part to the Kurds.

But sadly, trump's latest policy may result in a large-scale massacre of Kurds by the Turks-- and a resurgence of ISIS :-(

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

As long as the oil continues to flow :

there won't be much effort from NATO to stop ISIL . Notice that Obama is NOT asking for help from NATO ...

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    10 years ago

Preservation of this ancient people should be one of our more honorable missions, both food and cover. It's time to put a stop to ISIS terror, even if from the sky.

I'm afraid it might not happen. Unfortunately most Americans seem to think that if we do a limited military action (like we did in Libya-- where, BTW, there were zero US casualties!) we have no free will, and can't therefore stop. That if we do a limited (but effective) action to save them, it means we will have 100,000+ casualties, and American kids will be mired in the mid East on the ground for 5-10 years!

Most Americans don't give a hoot about humanitarian actions unless their church tells them to. (Either the political fundamentalism of the church of MSNBC or the church of Fox New).

Hannity or Megan Kelly or one of the others..or Rev. Al or Ed Schultz or Maddow tell them to jump. Then they say "How high"?

Stuck on stupid!

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    10 years ago

I first discovered this fascinating article soon after it was published (I believe it was about 2006?). I still think it is one of the better articles explaining who these people (the Yazidis) are.

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna  replied to  Krishna   5 years ago
I still think it is one of the better articles explaining who these people (the Yazidis) are.

I totally agree!

Professor Expert
link   seeder  Krishna    11 months ago

jrSmiley_113_smiley_image.png UPDATE 11/17/2023: Because the original article apparently no longer exists, I googled today and found another good article re: The Yezidis.That article & discussion may be found here:

LALISH, IRAQ In Northern Iraq There Is A Place Called Lalish Where The Yezidis Say The Universe Was Born.


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