Trump's Inaugural Approval Rating Is Historically Low Again

Photo credit: Trump's booking photograph released by the Fulton County, Georgia sheriff's office

Trump's Inaugural Approval Rating Is Historically Low Again
John Kennedy had the highest inaugural approval rating, at 72%, followed closely by Dwight Eisenhower and Barack Obama, who both had strong starts with 68% readings.
Jimmy Carter received a 66% approval rating, while Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden and George W. Bush had ratings between 57% and 59%.
Trump averaged 41% approval in his first term and is the only president not to receive a job rating of 50% or higher at any point in his presidency. He left office in January 2021 with the lowest rating of his presidency ,
Most presidents have experienced a “honeymoon period,” with strong job approval ratings in the initial months of their presidencies that then fade as time passes. Trump did not enjoy such a traditional honeymoon period in his first term, as the 45% of Americans who expressed approval of him in the initial reading in 2017 was not much higher than his 41% term average.
Initial approval ratings for all elected presidents since Eisenhower, not including Trump, averaged 61%.
Trump is starting his second term just like the first, with Americans evenly divided over how well he is doing his job. Slightly more now have an opinion one way or the other -- but his current 47% approval rating is still lower than initial readings for all other modern presidents, aside from his first rating in 2017
Most presidents have experienced a “honeymoon period,” with strong job approval ratings in the initial months of their presidencies that then fade as time passes. Trump did not enjoy such a traditional honeymoon period in his first term, as the 45% of Americans who expressed approval of him in the initial reading in 2017 was not much higher than his 41% term average. Initial approval ratings for all elected presidents since Eisenhower, not including Trump, averaged 61%.
Trump is starting his second term just like the first, with Americans evenly divided over how well he is doing his job. Slightly more now have an opinion one way or the other.
His current 47% approval rating is still lower than initial readings for all other modern presidents, aside from his first rating in 2017.
Trump averaged 41% approval in his first term and is the only president not to receive a job rating of 50% or higher at any point in his presidency. He left office in January 2021 with the lowest rating of his presidency.
Trump is doing his best to destroy democracy.
Sad that he gives low IQ fascists a voice.
Trump claims to love stupid people. Who else would vote for him?
Well, some people love him-- They really think he's "The Cat's Pajamas"!
That he will make major, powerful (positive) changes in the country and the entire world!
In what way?
Be specific and don't use the word "fascist" in your response.
I just doesn't make sense to me. With such a low approval rating he was still elected. Was Kamala Harris's rating so bad that she couldn't beat him?
Most presidents have experienced a “honeymoon period,” with strong job approval ratings in the initial months of their presidencies that then fade as time passes. Trump did not enjoy such a traditional honeymoon period in his first term, as the 45% of Americans who expressed approval of him in the initial reading in 2017 was not much higher than his 41% term average.
Initial approval ratings for all elected presidents since Eisenhower, not including Trump, averaged 61%.
Just wait until the American people start "feeling the pain" from Trump's idiotic tariffs against America's biggest trading partners. Let's see where the ratings go then?
His current 47% approval rating is still lower than initial readings for all other modern presidents, aside from his first rating in 2017.
Only far right wing fascists like Trump. He is the most evil person on the planet!
You mean he's actually not the cat's pajamas?
The cat's regurgitated furball would be a better description.