
There Are Many Lessons From 'Grooming Gang' Scandal, But This One Stands Out


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  s  •  one month ago  •  1 comments

There Are Many Lessons From 'Grooming Gang' Scandal, But This One Stands Out

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

People are rightly focusing on perhaps the most important lesson from the now-revived "grooming gang" scandal in Great Britain--that unlimited immigration without considering the cultural compatibility of the immigrants is a recipe for disaster. 

But the biggest lesson isn't that--that one is so evident that only a leftist ideologue could miss it. If, by now, anybody denies that importing millions of people from trash cultures is anything but a recipe for disaster, we can dismiss them as brain-damaged, brainwashed, or lobotomized. Unfortunately, that classification applies to most leftists these days. 

The biggest lesson is that you cannot count on government officials to protect the public, no matter what they claim. You can call a job "public service," but unless the person really serves the public, it is just a fancy-sounding description of a drone whose ultimate loyalty is to themselves and their organization. 

These appalling rape gang cases of girls as young as 11 shame our country. Not only do the perpetrators need to be punished. So do the authorities who turned a blind eye in the name of not inflaming "racial tensions".   https://t.co/D0xG4BaoV3
— Liz Truss (@trussliz)   January 1, 2025

It's not that all people in government are indifferent to the consequences of their actions on the public; it's that the culture of government institutions doesn't prioritize the well-being of the public but of the class to which they belong: the governing elite. 

A researcher who worked for the UK government tried to whistleblow about the grooming gangs but was sent to diversity training course instead

You cannot make this stuff up. We are beyond parody and satire   https://t.co/tqQRDHH3yc   pic.twitter.com/29xsc9nuyD

— Melissa Chen (@MsMelChen)   January 2, 2025

What appalls is how the local councils, the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, and the political parties all rushed to cover up the systematic rape and abuse of young British girls because it made the Pakistani community look bad and, by extension, the elites who kept insisting that a multicultural Britain is an unalloyed good. Exposing and prosecuting the 'grooming gangs' would expose them and their policies as not just mistaken but the cause of much evil. 

"...the situation in Oldham is especially revolting.

The leader of the grooming gang, a chap called Shabir Ahmed, worked for the Council for years on end, as a 'welfare rights officer.' He ran his grooming gang out of the welfare office; another was on the Oldham Youth Council.…   https://t.co/lELaiGjNrl

— Mark Steyn (@MarkSteynOnline)   January 2, 2025

So they hid the whole thing and, by doing so, sacrificed the very people whom they were charged to protect. 

Just a reminder that the grooming gang scandal wasn’t just about the 1400 young girls raped and abused in Rotherham:

- Rochdale
- Telford
- Oxford
- Newcastle
- Bristol
- Aylesbury
- Peterborough
- Keighley
- Bradford
- Oldham
- Halifax
- Banbury
- Derby
- Brighton
- Glasgow
-…   pic.twitter.com/eUyuYbTiZb

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24)   January 2, 2025

Keir Starmer is the Prime Minister of Great Britain, and he participated in the coverup. Tories, who are now jumping up and down performatively in order to gain political advantage, were in power at the height of the abuses and did little to stop the abuse, and even continued to import immigrants who they knew were unusually likely to commit these crimes. 

The Rochdale grooming gang ringleader, (50 men who sexually abused or raped 74 underage girls) still hasn’t been deported 9 years after receiving his deportation order.

Qari Abdul Rauf was released in 2014, just 2.5 years into a 6 year sentence.

He still lives near his victims   pic.twitter.com/Zv5JFDZczD

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24)   January 2, 2025

All of them declared their commitment to protecting citizens, and all of them didn't just fail but decided to let it go on because the alternative would make them look bad. 

The UK has fallen…

h/t   @Suffragent_   pic.twitter.com/fAha6Kzov3

— @amuse (@amuse)   January 1, 2025

This type of scandal is not unique to Great Britain. It has been repeated throughout the Western world. Germany, Sweden, France, and the United States all have some version or another of the same scandal. Rape, human trafficking, the spread of Islamic extremism, and corruption on a massive scale are all tolerated or even aided in order to push the open borders/transnationalist agenda. 

All of these particular scandals are linked to DEI ideology, but DEI ideology is itself a symbol of the disconnect between the elites and ordinary people who are ultimately considered disposable (or replaceable). Net Zero policies are another example, for instance. It has been immensely profitable for the people in charge of implementing it and has immiserated millions. 

One of the many reasons that the entire elite targeted Trump over the past decade is that his allegiance is not to that elite and its agenda. 

This has gone on for so long largely because most people cannot imagine that the people they employ to safeguard people and society can participate in such evil. How could that possibly be?

At this point, it doesn't matter. It is. 

This is why populism is on the rise. Most of us would rather not be political activists. We have lives to lead. 

But we have no choice. 


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Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
1  seeder  Sean Treacy    one month ago

A researcher who worked for the UK government tried to whistleblow about the grooming gangs but was sent to diversity training course instead.

Tens of thousands (at least)  of small girls raped and covered up in the name of "diversity."  Better that these girls were raped  than the "far right" be given a talking point was the m.o. of a government. Shocking. 


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