Rashida Tlaib Uninjured After Her Pager Mysteriously Explodes | Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Capitol Police responded to an urgent call amid reports of a loud disturbance in the congressional offices today. Michigan Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib was later reportedly uninjured after her pager mysteriously exploded.
The incident occurred earlier Tuesday in Tlaib's Capitol Hill office, where her pager had been sitting on a desk before spontaneously detonating, causing a significant scare but leaving no reported injuries.
"It just blew up right out of nowhere!" one of Tlaib's staffers said following the explosion. "We were just going about our business, checking over the congresswoman's itinerary of Death-To-Israel protests, when there was a huge blast in the next room. We went in there, papers were flying everywhere, and there was smoke… thank goodness she had put the pager on the desk. Such a crazy, unexplained incident, right?"
Tlaib's staff was questioned on the origin of the pager but provided little clarification. "She said it was a gift from some dear friends," one staffer explained. "Honestly, we thought it was a little weird for a U.S. congresswoman to be carrying a pager in 2024, but didn't really think too much of it. Now it blew up in our office. I guess we're seeing why people stopped carrying pagers now, right? I mean, those things are obviously dangerous!"
At publishing time, police were called to Dearborn, Michigan after reports of several thousand pager explosions in the area.

In a word: PRICELESS!
Rashida Tlaib Uninjured After Her Pager Mysteriously Explodes U.S. · Sep 17, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
Oh look... more violent political rhetoric dressed up in a joke. Soooo not funny.
Nothing gets the left going like the Babylon Bee!
There is no better examples of hypocrisy like the populist right.
almost as funny as exploding maga hats ... /s
Tell us more.
In a word: RACIST!
What racial bin do you label Rashida?
While she was born in Detroit, her parents are working class Palestinian immigrants and clearly the "joke" here is that she had a pager like those Hezbollah operatives that were intentionally exploded by some anti-terrorist group.
While this is clearly a "joke", lots of jokes can be racist as this is clearly intended to be making fun of her Heritage and name that identifies her as a Palestinian-American Muslim and tries to "comically" tie her to Islamic terrorists. This is apparently outrageously funny for many racist rightwing conservative Christian MAGA supporters, but they're the only ones laughing.
If it wasn't racist, then it should be just as funny if it was claiming that it was Jerry Nadler whose pager blew up. Strange that the Bee didn't use him for their "hilarious joke".
“Palestinian-American Muslim” isn’t a racial category.
... it's what passes for maga humor.
I apologize for not realizing someone would want to argue semantics when my point was beyond clear, if you must have it defined further her ethnicity would be "Arab-American".
racism: noun - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
No apology necessary. Semantics, well words have meaning.
So no, not racist.
You're absolutely right, DP, because it really is unfair to label her as being identified as a Palestinian-American Muslim just because she votes against anything that would benefit Israel, wears a keffiyeh and wrapped herself in a Palestinian flag to celebrate her election to the House of Representatives. And the Jewish lawmakers are the ones who get accused of having double loyalty.
So she's an AMERICAN. And as 1.3.7 shows, she's an American who openly supports terrorists and stands against allies of the country she is a citizen of and supposedly represents.
So, either you don't know the meaning of racist, or you're just being willfully ignorant of its definition which I clearly cited expecting you to make such a false claim.
racism: noun - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"Arab-American" is an ethnic group even if it's not considered a "race", but that makes no difference when it comes to the actual definition of racism.
Maybe she would be wise to dump her cell phone, walky-talky, watch, radio, computer, keffiyeh, the photo of Arafat on her office wall and the Palestinian flag she uses as a wrap. After all, you never know.
Sorry Vic, I can't open that picture. Please save it to your computer picture library then copy it from there to post here.
Hopefully you can see this.
I think George did it.
Yes he did, if that's the image you had posted. Problem is, I don't think I get it, unless it's supposed to indicate that Israel is ignoring questions about whether they pulled off that fantastic Trojan Horse trick. Hollywood should make a movie about it. They did one about Munich.
I think the point is he should use Kamal Harris talking points since they seem to end the media's curiosity.
I don't think he needs to use (did you mean 'camel'?) Kamala Harris' talking points.
Holy smoke, Vic. The picture just opened for me. Maybe cause it's the morning, or my internet provider isn't so busy, I just can't understand some of the things that happen with this computer.
Antony Blinken is also surprised. He is trying to reach Hezbollah leaders about a cease-fire deal and suddenly they aren't taking calls.
Maybe the wire with the tin can on the end wasn't long enough.
Yesterday the current Hezbollah leader said there would be a price to pay. Within the hour Israel hit 100 targets in Lebanon.
I just read that they also blew up 1000 Hezbollah missiles.
Plus 11 Hezbollah commanders. The WSJ had an article out on the new Israeli strategy recently : "Instead of tit-for-tat exchanges, it will make clear to the Iran-backed militia the damage it will suffer if it continues to fire missiles at Israel’s north."
I thought it was a very interesting article:
Opinion | Israel’s New Hezbollah Strategy (msn.com)
Can't open the link.
I'll post the entire article elsewhere.
Do you find this humorous?
Since I'm the only one who can't see it you could just paste it to a PN to me.
Cool out Tess, didn't you notice that this article is satire?
Not funny satire doesn't do a thing for any one with a sense of humor.
A lot better than those late night "comics."
No, it's not.
Why do you think nobody cares about Dennis Miller any more? He drank the Kool Aid and went over to the dark side
No. No fucking way.
Is Dennis Miller still alive? He seems to have disappeared.
As long as he thought the opposite he was okay but since he regained his sanity he suddenly isn't. Little bit hypocritical isn't it?
That's a difference of opinion about his sanity. He was never a far leftist. He was more middle of the road but for certain he was all about people minding their own business. But after 9/11 he became a hater and promoted George Bush's false narrative about Hussein. But did Dennis ever pick up a rifle and defend his own freedom of speech?
he's gravitated to the only audience that still thinks he's funny...