Journalists Dumbfounded As There Were No Previous Signs Of Biden Declining Whatsoever

NEW YORK, NY — Journalists from media outlets around the country are reeling from shock after Biden's performance in the presidential debate, caught completely off guard by the President's steep mental decline.
"There were no warning signs. None," said MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. "Up until the very moment the debate started, President Biden has been the picture of vitality and intelligence. He has never before lost his train of thought, stared into the abyss with his mouth gaping, mumbled incoherently for extended periods, or made nonsensical statements like 'We beat Medicare.' It's all so shocking - shocking, I tell you."
Members of the White House Press Corps, having never reported a single instance of Biden faltering in the past four years, were equally stunned. "Biden's debate performance was entirely out of the blue," explained Tyler Page of the Washington Post. "There were no pointers that his mental capacity was impaired in the slightest before the debate. I mean, I'm just thinking back over the past few months…D-Day…the G7 Summit…the Juneteenth concert…yeah, there's really just nothing that would indicate that he wasn't at tip-top performance leading into the debate. It was just so unlike Joe Biden."
At publishing time, journalists had been further flabbergasted to hear that the President had told several egregious lies during the debate, as he had always been completely honest up until that point.

The first two words of the title of your article are the truest words ever posted on Newstalkers!
Journalists Dumbfounded .....
I would say the were embarrassed by being exposed for their blatant lying about Biden’s mental state, but that would require them to have some integrity to start with.
It’s pathetic and absurd the way elected officials and news media were all shocked to discover something most of the rest of us have known for a long time.
They think all those that aren't in their inner circle are morons; in fact they count on it. Which is why we end up with such horrendous choices for President.
the democrats certainly aren't to blame for the GOP's convicted felon candidate...
Only way I could rationally explain this to be acceptable to myself is , their minds saw what they wanted to see.
Much like what happened in the DaVinci Code with the picture of the Last supper, and the grail when teabing quizzed the girl with her eyes closed and back to the picture.
KJP will start calling the debate a deepfake any second,
From the article
"There were no warning signs. None," said MSNBC anchor Joe Scarborough. "Up until the very moment the debate started, President Biden has been the picture of vitality and intelligence. He has never before lost his train of thought, stared into the abyss with his mouth gaping, mumbled incoherently for extended periods, or made nonsensical statements like 'We beat Medicare.' It's all so shocking - shocking, I tell you."
This is exactly why Morning Joe is considered a talk show and that Joe Scarborough has lost whatever credibility he had as a journalist and newscaster - he is a left wing hack
Spoken like a complete idiot with his head in his 4th point of contact.
This is sad, 4 months before the election and the excuses have already started for why Biden has lost. and not one of them has addressed the actual reason, he is too mentally incompetent to carry out the duties required to be president, and the American people now know it.
It's satire. Some of you missed it
Speaking of dumbfounded, I heard an interesting take on the Biden performance last week. It was that they over prepped him. Which could make sense since he is mentally faltering. They overloaded his brain. But that shouldn't matter.
I didn't take long to dump the cold excuse.
That was just a local radio talk show guy. He figured they would come up with something like that. Wait for it LMAO
Must be constant for magats - that degree/state of dumfoundedness
No in this particular case, it was definitely Biden.