Biden suggests uncle eaten by ‘cannibals’ in New Guinea — but military says his WWII plane lost at sea

President Biden twice implied Wednesday that his uncle Ambrose Finnegan was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea after his plane went down during World War II — even though military records show that the aircraft disappeared over the Pacific.
“He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals at the time,” Biden initially told reporters before boarding Air Force One as he departed Scranton, Pa.
“They never recovered his body, but the government went back when I went down there and they checked and found some parts of the plane.”
After arriving in Pittsburgh, the 81-year-old president told the same story to United Steelworkers union members.
“He got shot down in New Guinea and they never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals, for real, in that part of New Guinea,” Biden said
The Pentagon’s Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency says that Finnegan’s plane actually was lost over the open ocean.
“For unknown reasons, this plane was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea. Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard,” the military’s account says....
While president, Biden has shared at least 13 times a debunked story involving an Amtrak conductor, claimed in 2022 that his uncle Frank Biden won the Purple Heart — even though the details of his account make it factually impossible, and has said twice that he was picked to attend the Naval Academy, though no supporting documentation exists.
Biden in 2021 told Jewish leaders that he remembered “spending time at” and “going to” Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue in 2018 after the worst anti-Semitic attack in US history, in which 11 people were murdered.
The synagogue said Biden never visited and the White House later claimed he was thinking about a 2019 phone call to the synagogue’s rabbi.
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Biden just told this story again for the second time today: He claimed his uncle was a pilot, was shot down over Guinea and eaten by cannibals. Ambrose Finnegan was a passenger on a plane that was ditched due to engine failure and he drowned in the ocean
It's elder abuse to let him talk in public.
The people that want to see him continue his crash and burn for another four years should be ashamed of themselves.
That's a pretty good memory for a kid who was only 1.5 years old when 'Uncle Bosie' died.
Its America population abuse to let Trump talk at all.
There is the obligatory pathetic "but Trruuummmmppppp!!!!!!" comment.
Just can't seem to stay on topic can you?
The things that trigger a Trump response are getting more sad every day.
Not so much degraded as deranged.
actually, what is sad, is even attempting to compare the two. Is there proof Unc wasn't eaten by cannibals? Cause didn't know the Lucky Charms Leprechaun was at Gettysburg, cause 45 apparently lost the address, but really, if you think you could compare Bidens Bull to Trumps, you guys are crazy. Yep , Biden embellishes now and then, Trump punts on 1st and 10 kilometers krazy asz psychotic neurotic uphill fightin Irish Trumpullthinskin, is a few epidurals' short of an abortion gone wild cause he's our Orange colored child, that the cats would have buried, if not defiled buy the pussy grabbin back stabbin miscreant marshmallow small handed fellow ship of the rings around his anus that were forced in , by his space force gang of green, envious of all his court ships, sank in the straights of whore muze, butt, he shore can amuze
prove Bidens Uncle wasn't eaten by cannibals'
rebut whoever you want, just don't be sneakin round my back door
Ah. But but but trump. The response of choice when you can't defend biden.
well put
Then why are you doing it. The article is about Biden.
But what about all the people that can't get Biden off their mind whenever anything negative about Trump is said???
And don't get me started about Hillary's laptop!!!
You can't prove a negative.
If something actually happened it might be possible to prove it.
But how can you prove that something didn't happen?
(Especially when its something as shocking as having someone eat a relative-- say, for example, someone eating your uncle!
yea, well i'm positive i can, i have a dark room
I think the rest of it goes that the cannibals later said he was delicious.
They would say he is an old Irish guy who likes to tell stories.
I grew up in an Irish neighborhood and I don't recall old Irish guys habitually making up bullshit stories.
I am Irish.
Biden has an "unfortunate" habit of trying to make his personal stories more interesting to the listeners. So do many other Irishmen.
Has nothing to do with his ability to be president.
Trump lies constantly because he is mentally ill with malignant narcissism.
They're called lies. For once get it right.
What a pathetic excuse.
Has a lot to do with his ability to be president. He can't keep things straight about his own fucking family, how is he going to handle real world problems.
Another pathetic deflection.
Hell, look at how unhinged they are when he states FACTS.
Is that an uneaten part of an uncle in your pocket...or are you just glad to see me?
They had him with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
So in other words Biden lies his ass off to Irish and non Irish alike just to get attention. Sounds like you are playing semantic games here JR.
Pretty much.
Maybe the whole thing is a hoax-- and the cannibals that ate him didn't do it in New Guinea, but rather they were actually on the plane when they ate him?
Interesting thing is , canabalism was a part of WW 2, look up Chi chi jima.
I just learned of that the other day and that George Bush was shot down on that mission as well, but luckily over water. I was familiar with the absolute brutality the Japanese treated their prisoners, but that's on another level.
Biden is an old Irish guy who likes to tell stories. Who gives a fuck?
Some of you want to put a provable traitor in as president.
Plus Trump is a psychopath , malignant narcissist, which is a mental illness. What is wrong with you people?
Trump is not the subject of the article. Do try to stay on topic.
He's a deranged pedo pervert POS who likes to tell lie after lie after lie...
The people that don't want to vote for a dementia ridden old man with delusions. You know, normal people.
there is nothing normal at all about believing trump is fit to hold office
Maybe you should mention that in an article about Trump, there are several here every day.
No, he's just an old German guy who likes to tell stories.
"Grandma said she hoped
When Joe became a man
He'd be a missionary
Like her older brother Dan
Who eaten by the cannibals
That live on Ceylon Isle
Where every prospect pleases
And only man is vile"
Author Unknown...
He's at the stage of dementia where childhood memories merge with Looney Tunes shorts from the 1930s.
It was very entertaining. He again told us of the son he always talks about and some child who gave him the finger.
Again, he mentioned Charlottsville, which supposedly got him into the race. He again lied about his opponent's statement about statues and from there he talked about following the rules and seeing a campaign sign that said F- Biden.
He knows every world leader by their first name.
No kidding.
He's thinking of writing a history book on what the next few years would look like.
Here is a brief portion:
Then in an attempt to imitate his opponent's authenticity he stopped in at a coffee shop in Scranton PA.
Nobody paid him much attention. He got 80 million votes somehow?
That was two days he spent campaigning in PA.
no candidate ever appeared at a coffee shop or diner until trump did?
feel free to dispense with the comedy at any time
You know that doesn't matter. The article is calling out Biden and his mental deficiencies so they have to deflect. They just can't stand the obvious problems with what they support.
You think Brandon and his team came up with this idea on their own?
This is as staged as every last one of his media interviews.
When he went outside in Scranton, protestors were waiting for him.
The excuses made for Biden are pretty pathetic.
Biden's main mouthpiece KJP just cannot seem to get it through her head how foolish she sounds defending and constantly making excuses for him. But that's what she gets paid to do I guess.
That's what happens when you are a "Check the block" applicant.
What will he say next?
And how will his minions defend it and how foolish will they look attempting it..
You ask for it:
Didn’t Hunter get kicked out of the Navy after failing a drug test?
Imagine that.
They really need to keep Biden cooped up in the basement.
Nah, looks like alot more people need to see how out of it Biden really is....
Biden is still a better candidate than a blind, deaf, and dumb paraplegic, but I’d vote for any blind, deaf, and dumb paraplegic over Trump anyways so Biden it is.
Are you thinking of Tommy, the Pinball Wizard?
I didn’t say he was a good candidate, I said “better candidate than a blind, deaf, and dumb paraplegic”. There’s a difference, and Donald Trump is far beneath that bar.
Who should I vote for? I’ll wait.
Yeah but, if they can’t possibly win then I would be contributing to the election of someone worse than a blind, deaf, and dumb paraplegic. When are you Republicans going to learn this?
The weight of constant media apathy is normalizing Trump more every day. When critical mass is reached the country is fucked.
The media has never held Trump's feet to the fire. Never.
Well played John! That is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a while.
Really? By all means point to one tough interview Trump has ever "endured".
Kristen Welker of NBC asked him what he was doing on the afternoon of Jan 6th, and when he said "Im not going to tell you" she dropped the subject.
In 2020 Savannah Guthrie asked Trump about Q Anon. He said he didnt know anything about it except that he knew they liked him . She let it go at that.
He has been babied since he started.
By whom?...
You want to compare that to the staged media interviews Brandon has? Where he is given the questions in advance; and interviewers aren't allowed to deviate from the set questions.
How about Brandon's cue cards that literally tell him when to pause. When to laugh. When to breath. And when to leave. They still haven't figured out how to get him off stage. A trained rescue dog might work; but as we all know all of Brandon's dogs bite those around them.
By all means point to one tough interview Trump has ever "endured".
He put out hateful, vicious , and bizarre "Christmas and Thanksgiving" messages. No reporter asked him why and challenged him about them.
If Biden put out a Christmas message attacking his enemies the reporters would be shouting at him about it all day long.
I could literally find hundreds of times over the past 9 years where the media did not confront Trump when they should have.
Oh bullshit................
In your opinion only. Glad you aren't the arbiter of information.
Reporters never confront Trump. Never.
If you think they do, give us some examples.
Has any reporter ever asked Trump why he gives people stupid nicknames that would embarrass a ten year old ? I've never seen it.
Who cares why? He does it. He's Trump. I think everyone understands that.
Why would they when bloggers ran with the fiction that the Democrats gave them without a single check on any validity.
I imagine the intent was to make the TDS liberals cry. And it worked. Look at you all.
Exactly. The most unfit to be president politician in US history.
Do I look to you like I am crying ?
They used to debate him daily!!!!
Yes. You've been doing it for 8 years now.
This is insane. As pointed out below Biden gets scripted questions while Trump battled the press for hours upon end in press conferences. Just because Trump handled the press doesn't mean they weren't trying their best to get him.
This might be the worst argument you've ever made.
You are out of your mind. The ONLY reason I dont list all the times the media has let Trump off the hook is because there wouldnt be time to do anything else.
Name one reporter in any interview who has asked Trump why he lies so much.
They just accept it as "Trump being Trump". It is far beyond absurd.
It is truly laughable.
You are all in profound denial.
Why not just spit in his face or assault him.
You don't want journalism or even decency.
Look how easily and quickly the fool Trump lost his temper over these mild questions.
He is remarkably lucky no one ever gets harsh with him.
That has been eliminated from any political discussion in the divisive daze.
As it has alway been, it is incumbent on each of us to show our decency in our actions, in our personal interactions…in our hearts.
The rest is but pablum, only uttered to satisfy some warped sense of self gratification.
Your comment is distressingly strange. He can get away with lying thousands of times because it would be mean or impolite to call him out? To his face. That is what you seem to be saying.
I beg to differ with you. There are far more that have than those that have not. You really think Biden has not gotten a free pass from the leftist liberal MSM the last three plus years?
The next PotUS will be either Biden or Trump. Which of those two is better for the nation?
Which of those two do you think is better for the nation?
One will be PotUS; do you see no difference whatsoever between these two men in terms of their impact on our nation?
This is the response that typically follows a probative question that is too difficult (or embarrassing) to answer.
All these words when the answer could be a single word: 'Biden' or 'Trump'.
You ask me a question while refusing to answer my very clear question. One who honestly wants to discuss would not presume one sided disclosure.
That depends on who becomes the GOP nominee. For example, if Haley becomes the nominee she has my vote.
Where exactly did you read that? You even quoted my example (given we do not know who is the nominee):
Looks to me as though you had your response enqueued no matter what I replied ... even if (as is the case) your reply makes no sense whatsoever.
And still, you cannot muster the strength to answer my question:
Yet another lame deflection (and I think everyone knows why) when the answer to my question could be as easy as one word: 'Trump' or 'Biden'.
In order to answer a question of 'who would you vote for: Biden or _____', I think most rational human beings would need to actually know the opponent.
More deflection rather than admit that Biden and Trump as PotUS are NOT equal in terms of what is good for this nation.
1. Probative? You have to be kidding.
2. Too difficult or embarrassing? Probably just doesn't want to because the merry go round gets boring.
Actually many many many many many many many times, but who is counting.
I am not sure if it means who would you not vote for more or who would you not vote for less. I get confused without my second cup of coffee.
You asked me who I would vote for if Trump is not the nominee.
How would I possibly know who I would vote for in a Biden vs. _____ matchup? To answer that question, I need to know who would replace Trump.
For example, I told you that if Haley were to be the nominee, I would vote for her. The candidate actually matters. Hello?
You dodge simple direct questions (for obvious reasons) and then engage in ridiculous, dishonest contortions when I answer your questions.
Not the question. I asked you:
Responding that neither is good for the country dodges the question. Assuming that neither is good, which of the two is better (or worse, if you prefer)?
No doubt those watching you write all sorts of nonsense trying to dodge a question that can be answered with one word: 'Biden' or 'Trump' will draw a conclusion as to why you are spending so much time with obfuscation rather than simply answer the question.
If Trump is not on the ballot then someone else will be the nominee. Who is that? I am not going to vote for whoever is the replacement nominee. I need to know who that is.
Faux obtuseness.
Why does it seem to matter so much?
I have not claimed that I will vote for Biden ONLY if Trump is his opponent. I have stated that I will vote for Biden IF Trump is his opponent.
Because that is incorrect. In my first response I gave you an example of Nikki Haley who I would vote for if she replaced Trump.
Amazing that no matter how clear my responses, you just cannot stop pushing a false narrative.
It is kinda like asking which you would prefer to have dropped on your head, an atom bomb or a hydrogen bomb.
You seem to be OK with Biden getting away with lying thousands of times.
Why don't you break out your old "Trump lies xxxxxxx thousands of times"comments and apply them rightly to Biden?
Remember. Back in 2020 this dumbass claimed he was ‘Constantly Tested’ For Cognitive Decline.
So lets see the results.
I think the results are among the missing along with the drivers testimony.
The driver's testimony was put out there. The claims that Trump tied to grab the wheel, like all the other claims the left and Democrats have made, were pure fiction.
There are no results for cognitive testing because none were done.
Oh, poi, finger lickin' good! Is Biden pandering to Filipinos with another racial stereotype?
(BTW, for the easily aroused, this post gets the /sarc tag.)
Biden in 2020: it’s “nakedly xenophobic” for Trump to call it the “Chinese virus”
Biden 2024: those savages in Papua New Guinea ate my uncle
Any one with the name Ambrose Finnigen has a good shot at being eaten in Papau.
I went to a cannibal wedding once. They had a wonderful reception until it was time toast the lovely couple.