
Marine Corps celebrates 248th birthday: What to know about US military branch


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  1stwarrior  •  last year  •  7 comments

Marine Corps celebrates 248th birthday: What to know about US military branch
For those who have earned the title of Marine, Nov. 10 is celebrated as if it was their own birthday.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T





The United States Marine Corps celebrates its 248th birthday on Friday, Nov. 10, 2023.

In 1775, the Corps was born out of a Philadelphia tavern during the American Revolutionary War.

For those who have earned the title of Marine, Nov. 10 is celebrated as if it was their own birthday, serving as a "yearly reminder of the brave spirit that has compelled young men and women to defend our nation and its interests for more than two centuries,"   according to Marines.com .

To honor service members past and present, take a moment to learn five things you might not know about the military branch.

It has roots in taverns -- and Quakers

Samuel Nicholas, a former Quaker who was kicked out of his community for joining the Revolution, was commissioned as a captain when the Marines were officially approved.

His desire to support American independence conflicted with the Quaker "peace testimony" against all wars, Helen J. File, facilities director at the world's largest Quaker meeting house, told the   Chicago Tribune   in 2008.

Under the authority of the Second Continental Congress, Nicholas set up a recruiting headquarters   at the Tun Tavern in Philadelphia , with the help of the tavern's owner.

The first Marines served on land and sea, and their operations included the Americans' first amphibious raid into the Bahamas in March 1776, led by Nicholas, according to   Marine Corps University .

Before 'Semper Fi,' there were three

"Always faithful" wasn't always the motto of the Marines.

The Corps adopted the Latin phrase "Semper Fidelis" in 1883, but before that, Marines used three unofficial mottos: "By Sea and by Land," "Fortitudine" ( Fortitudine ) and "To the shores of Tripoli," according to Marine Corps University.

"Semper Fidelis is the motto of every Marine -- an eternal and collective commitment to the success of our battles, the progress of our Nation, and the steadfast loyalty to the fellow Marines we fight alongside," the   U.S. Marines website   reads.

The true story behind an iconic photo in Marines history


In this Feb 23, 1945 file photo, U.S. Marines of the 28th Regiment, 5th Division, raise the American flag atop Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima, Japan.

Joe Rosenthal/AP Photo, File

The moment captured of Marines planting the American flag on Iwo Jima during World War II is one of the most iconic war photographs in history.

Yet one of the six men identified in the photo was actually not in the image, the Marines determined in 2016.

Because of this error, Private First Class Harold Schultz had not been listed among those in the picture. A representative of the Marine Corps said that, while it's important to set the record straight and honor Schultz's memory, what's most important is what the photo represents -- the spirit of the Marines.

"Simply stated, our fighting spirit is captured in that frame, and it remains a symbol of the tremendous accomplishments of our Corps - what they did together and what they represent remains most important," Marine Commandant Gen. Robert Neller told   The Associated Press . "That doesn't change."

Marines have been to space and back

Marines go on to a variety of careers, but astronaut might be the most exciting among them.

John Glenn, the first American astronaut to orbit Earth, is one of the most famous   veterans of the Marines . Other famous Marines include Oscar-nominated actor Adam Driver and comedian Drew Carey.

248 years later, the Corps is hundreds of thousands strong

As of March 2022, the Marine Corps reports having 184,000 members, according to the   Department of Defense .

"The U.S. Marine Corps falls under the Department of the Navy; however its command structure is similar to the Army's, except it follows the 'rule of three' and includes Marine expeditionary forces and aircraft wings. The Marines are divided into four groups: the operating forces that do the actual fighting, the headquarters for leadership, the supporting establishment that provides logistical support, and the Marine Corps Reserve," according to the DoD.

Their members are younger on average than the Air Force, Army and Navy,   according to a 2016 report from the Marine Corps Community Services .

Celebrate the day by thanking a Marine in your life for their service.

Semper Fi - Hoo Rahhhhh.


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Participates
1  seeder  1stwarrior    last year

10 November 2023


             For 248 years, Marines have earned a reputation as the most disciplined and lethal warfighters in the world. This legacy of honor, courage, and commitment passed on to us was paid for in sweat, blood, and sacrifice. From Belleau Wood to Inchon and Tarawa to Sangin, Marines have stepped forward to defend our Constitution when others either could not or would not. Our history is filled with heroes like Chief Warrant Officer 4 Hershel "Woody" Williams, Private First Class Hector Cafferata Jr., Sergeant Major Dan Daly, and thousands of others who performed acts of bravery which went unseen in the heat of battle. We stand on the shoulders of these Marines, and we owe it to them to earn our title "Marine" each and every day.

             Marines have given, and have been willing to give, their lives for Country and Corps in every fight our Nation has entered. Our actions turned back the tide of tyranny in Europe during the Great War, defeated fascism in Asia during World War II, fought for democracy in Korea and Vietnam, and offered the hope of self-determination in the Middle East. We go to war whenever our Nation calls, and in the interwar periods we train, we prepare, and we innovate. We have chosen a life of service and sacrifice — an honorable life that has meaning. We sacrifice so our fellow citizens don't have to, and we seek nothing in return but a chance to be first to fight. Most will never understand why we choose to attack when others do not, why we revel in being covered in mud, why we snap to attention when "The Marines' Hymn" is played, or why we say, "Ooh Rah." We understand it, and this message is for us, for the Marines.

             As Marines, we live on a war footing because someone must. This means that we ruthlessly adhere to our standards of excellence — Marine standards — as we know this will best prepare us for the wars of the future. Our high standards are a prerequisite of professional warfighting, and how we keep our honor clean in the cauldron of combat. They prepare us for the most difficult mission there is: fighting from and returning to the sea. Most importantly they shape our unique Marine culture which is respected at home and across the globe.

             Sergeant Major Ruiz and I are proud of all that you have done this past year to protect and enhance our reputation as America's best warriors. We hope you know that we will be with you every step of the way as we prepare for the fights ahead. We ask that every Marine - active, reserve, and veteran - honor the legacy of those who went before us by continuing to uphold our high standards.

             Protect your fellow Marines and our shared legacy. Happy Birthday Marines!


Proud to have served - would GLADLY do it again.

Semper Fi - Hooo Rahhhh.

Professor Guide
2  Drakkonis    last year

I understand there were all the free crayons you could eat : )

Seriously, though. Happy birthday!!!!!jrSmiley_124_smiley_image.gif

Professor Participates
2.1  seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  Drakkonis @2    last year

Could be because we ALWAYS color outside the lines :-)

Professor Silent
3  SteevieGee    last year

My grandson is 17 and he wants to join the Marine Corps.  He's been working out all summer to lose some weight.  He's a big kid.  Bigger than his grandpa for sure.  He plays linebacker in HS football.  I think he'll do well in the Corps.

Professor Participates
3.1  seeder  1stwarrior  replied to  SteevieGee @3    last year

And Steevie - I think the Marines would be happy to have him because of all that he has to offer.

Professor Silent
3.1.1  SteevieGee  replied to  1stwarrior @3.1    last year

Thanks 1stwarrior.  I'm really proud of him.

Duck Hawk
Freshman Silent
4  Duck Hawk    last year

Semper Fi (1st, 2nd  MArDiv and 1st, 3rd SRIG) '84-'94


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