The Republican Party SOLD OUT America, and now sucks at the Billionaires Tit!
Category: News & Politics
By: eat-the-press-do-not-read-it • 2 years ago • 27 comments
My Fellow NEW TALKERS.COM Fiends, it is with great regret that I must inform you that the Republican Party you once knew, respected, and considered the Party of Adults, is now the Party of FAULT!
Things have changed. Don't let your former LOVER screw you, with phony bouquets of flowery words. It is fermented Sheep Dip. Do Not Drink It.
Ever since T-Rump Bone-Spur arrived on the scene, nothing but BULL CHIPS is spewed by a Madman who gets madder with each passing day.
It is not your fault; the faults and the smell belong to that
MASTER CON ARTIST, "Dirty Diaper Donnie"!
The Showman, blow heart, selfish rich kid, born with a Silver Spoon in his mouth & in all the other orifices, is the typical, prototype of a "Wannabe DICT-TA-TOR".
You see, Brothers & Sistas, of the now defunct , where truth was told, once every month, we are now gathered here, in this scrawny Pasteur of "Too Many Screaming, Right Wing-Nut Jobs", lecturing us daily that "Dirty Diaper Donnie" is the APPOINTED POTUS, by none other than the White, Blue-eyed JESUS, who, also, has Blonde-Hair and wears Orange Make-up. Ain't that proof enough?
Sadly, that is what this nation is facing. A simmering rebellion of the under-employed, "Talkin'-In-Tongues" Religious Nut Cakes, Confederate Flag Waving Mushrooms, and their unattractive, abused spouses.
Don't blame yourself.
We, the well-read, educated, successful LIBERALS are not blaming you. We understand that you are injured puppies flogged by Rich-Billionaires, Right-Wing Vulture Capitalists who seek absolute control, in order to expand their expanding wealth.
Meanwhile, the Anti-WOKE yarn of hypnotic lure is being spun by that little, bitty piss ant, Satan's Messenger from HADES , Ronnie De Santes, as the backup singer for "Dirty Diaper Donnie" with a full load in his DEPEND, and may collapse at any minute!
Ronnie, now Governor of Florida, and a candidate for POTUS in the 2024 Presidential Election, is a NOTORIOUS arse licker, par excellent.
That is the REQUIREMENT demanded of all Re-Thug-I-KKK-Cans, who want to take over America by force, but need the financial assistance of the National Republican Crime Family.
During the COVID Epidemic, you may recall, 1,350,000 Americans (mostly dumb-arse, easily manipulated Republicans indoctrinated by Satan's Best Boy Doll, DJT) fiddled while Americans died.
Re-Puritans, of course, with their religious leadings were instantly converted to:
Re-Thug-I-GANGS ,
and that, my fellow friends, is when the SHAT HIT THE FAN, contaminating the good people of the Republican Party, until there were only indoctrinated, shat-cover, easily led sheep herded by one, Donald J. Trump, Satan's Right-Hand, "Grab Them by the Pussy", Jesus appointed Con Man.
If you don't believe me, look in the Bible, it is in there somewhere.
Friends, as you, MAGA LOONS like to say, "Mur-Ree-KKK-A" is in deep "Dodoo", if'n we, as a nation, do not slap down Eastcoast Liberals, who are destroying our "Backwoods, Backward, Pre-Civil" War, Idolized Bull Shat Dream that Slavery Is Good f er America
FRIENDS, Fellow Nutjobs, and News Talkers Communist, Left-Leaning Liberal-Too LAZY to Get a Job", it is past time to get out your popper scooper and pick that SHAT UP!
This is a PSA (Public Service Announcement) from the "Sleeping Giant of Network News", Walter Concrete, back from the dead to straighten out the Republican-produced SHAT SHOW that the party of Reagan has morphed into!
WAKE the FUGAZI UP , Mureeka, our nation is in grave danger of being dismantled by STUPID, angry, grievance-driven, tobacco-spiting nimrods convinced by Donnie (The Three-Time Divorced, Pussy Grabber) aka the GREATEST CON MAN in the History of the United States of America.
If will do not do something now, our country will become TRUMP COUNTRY FOR CHUMPS!
ACT NOW! Tell Trump to:
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Would you like to receive $100 cash?
Click on "LIKE", and leave a lavish statement of how much this publisher/writer/fellow fiend has changed your miserable life.
And, in less than two days, a $100 dollar bill will appear under your pillow. I guarantee it!
In these days of ultra-sensitivity towards LGBTQ you shouldn't be telling fairy tales. A few years ago I had some teeth pulled, and there's still nothing under my pillow when I wake in the morning and a couple times during the night to pee (due to a weak 86 year old bladder that's as old as I am).
When throw it away. After 82 years, one should not be sleeping with the same bladder. Shop around for a younger version. Hustler Magazine & Health Bookstore has a sale on bladders.
Drop everything, and get to Hustler before they sell out.
Of course, it stands to reason that the more lavish posts, one post, the more $100.00 bills miraculously appear under your pillow if you were nice.
Ah, so THAT'S the reason I'm not getting $100. I left being nice back in Newsvine. After that I wanted to fit in with everyone else.
Don't worry about being bought off, that is the American Way. Your money will be telegraphed to you, ASAP.
Is it any wonder the once upper case GOP, The Grand Old Party of Abe Lincoln, is now referred to as merely the lower case gop?
That is a very astute observation, gob is also short for gobbler, which is polite for CORK SACKER!
I AM from a small burg, named Mildew, Ohio. Everyone in this lovely, but nearly all hollowed-out holler is a CORK-SACKER!
Yes, it is an editorial shame. A nightmare. I wake up in the middle of the night arguing with myself about which one should I capitalize. Then, I realized none deserve to be capitalized.
Thereafter, I am able to go back to sleep for weeks.
My Dear, Fellow News Takers. Commies, if I have offended thee, then, I have accomplished my mission.
As you know, degradation is the Path to enlightenment!
- Marcus De Sade
My "Sauces" (Whiskey & Rho) claim that they have it on "pretty unreliable sauces" (that is the kind we prefer) and that the Great Mistake (Donald J. Trump) is not running for POTUS to be President, he is running because he is going to need a place to live, soon, due to all of the Court Cases, and criminal charges for "Misdemeanors that he has accumulated over the past sixty years).
What is your thinking on why the Orange Balloon POS has thrown his Big, oversized Glutei Maximus into the Ring when there are so many lesser candidates that could do as badly as #45 did?
The mind of 45 eludes me.
What are your thoughts, lies, and exaggerations?
It is critical that we, here, at "The NEWS TALKERS".communist keep our ears to the ground and our arse in the air, if we are to be prepared for the upcoming invasions planned by malcontent losers, snookers, and deadheads that are still praying for that band to return to Center Stage, in order for them to throw stones, verbal barbs and knives at them.
America is "What It Is", isn't it?
You know you are making heads explode right now.
Thank you, John Russel!
At 81, my eyesight is a bit strained so, I wasn't sure if I was hitting my targets. It is good to have a spotter on board for such a dangerous mission.
Really? You are assuming people are taking his verbal diarrheal seriously. I was thinking it was the ranting of someone that had a few too many.
Preach Brother Eat !
We need some inspiration from you in these trying times that fry men's souls.
My mentor, Reverend Oral Fleece of the Church for "How Big Is Your Wallet, How Small is Your Brain". He taught me everything that I did not know, which was infinite.
We worked the streets of San Antonio, Texas. I, in rags, and the Reverend in his black preacher's robe. Rev. Oral was "Straight from the Street and Not from the Police", preached, day and night, and I picked the pockets of heathens.
I learned many things from him, like "Never wash your hands, or the rubes will not believe you are a poor beggar."